Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Time for what?

Time is so vital. It's the only commodity that we can't replace. If I spend money, I can always earn more, but if I use time I've made a decision that is irrevocable.
So I want to be more intentional about my use of time. How sad, if I fritter away half of a lifetime. But the difficult thing is figuring out how to do that. There is so much I want to get done...books I want to read, photos I want to take, people I want to develop relationships with, time I want to spend with God. There are necessary things that don't energize me at all but nonetheless are my house, planning meals, buying groceries, doing laundry. I think the key is to turn those things around and make them deeper. If I could live each moment to the fullest, engaging my senses and enjoying the things around me, it would make even those necessary things fulfilling. I want to learn to take pleasure in even the small things. One thing that I want to do if find a way to integrate more music into my life. I think though, that I am hyper-sensitive. So many kinds of music give me a headache. And yet I like music. So there must be some out there that would work for me. Music has such power to move emotions. I tend to focus on one sense at a time, but if I integrated them, I think they would each be richer. Now, to do it!


Dancingirl said...

Amen to everything here!

I want to be fully engaged in each thing I do, no matter what it is.

If you figure out how to integrate music into your life more, let me know. I have the same difficulty of focusing on one sense at a time.

I am loving your blog. I've commented in other places, too.

Carol Ann Weaver said...

This is so interesting Paula. Time seems to be the theme these days. Did you read Dali's freewrite about time and choices. Then Katrina emailed me and we set up a time to talk about "time" on the phone. Then, I go and see your post. Amazing!

Katrina said...

Hi Paula. :) Your blog is great, and obviously you are a *thinker* from what I see here. You ask some tough questions!

Interesting thoughts here about senses and fully engaging. I don't think I understand the "fully engaged" idea, because to me it sounds exhausting to "fully engage" every moment of the day. Maybe I'm just too much of an introvert, but I need lots of "unengaged" time in my days! :) (It doesn't really matter if I understand it -- it's your blog :) . . . but I am curious about that idea.)