Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Randomness and the bigness of God

I was walking on the beach today sorta, kinda gathering shells. It wasn't so much of a determined hunt as a casual look. Anyway, it was interesting how the shells sort of congregate in certain places. They are stretched along the shoreline where they have been left by high tide, but there are also places where beds of them have been built up. I thought about how we can predict high and low tide and even when to expect big waves but we can't really predict where shells will end up. But, then I thought about it a bit more and realized that really we could if we had more infomation. If we knew where the shells were on the ocean floor, and what the currents would be and what force they would move with then we would know exactly where those shell beds would be.
But, then I thought about a shell, carried by the waves for it's predetermined spot and a dolphin swimming by and that particular shell hitting the dolphin and it's course being changed. So it's trajectory has been changed. But was the dolphin also following laws that appear random but really aren't?
So...what I came to is that what may appear random really isn''s just that I don't have enough knowledge to understand what is at work. And then there are things that can change even the results of those laws.
In respect to God, it helps me in a sense. What looks unexplicable may not be, there just may just be such a vast body of knowledge that I don't understand that I can't find the meaning or the reasoning that is really there. And though God does follow His own laws, there are also ways that the outcome can be changed. There is more than one set of rules at work.
Anyway, those were my beach thoughts. Not very developed, just sort of random. : )


MaryD said...

This is a great beach meditation Paula. Thanks for writing it.

Katrina said...

wonderful beach meditation . . . I had no idea what deep thoughts you were thinking (although I guessed there were some going on) :)