Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another day

It has been beautiful in Annapolis. The weather has been cool, the sun warm, the skies blue. Even the rain we got was the best kind, a torrent of water whipped by the wind and lit by lightening. And then the next morning the cool temps and blue skies were back again. I'm enjoying every minute of it.
Tori had a softball game today. Softball doesn't seem to be the fastest moving sport. Maybe that's just my ignorance, but it seems like about five minutes of exciting play packed into two hours. But usually Tori has at least one play that is enough to get my blood pumping. Today there were three. First, the ump called a strike on a ball that was down at her ankles. Okay, so that wasn't her play, but it did get me excited! But then when Tori was playing second base, she made the most amazing catch. It should have been on tv. She had to jump to get the ball and then she fell with it and I think she rolled, but she held on to the ball. And then she had a great line drive, but that catch was the best of all! Thursday night we go to hear Christiana's choir. She'll be singing the high C part...I'm not musical but I'm guessing that not everyone can do that. I know I love to hear her sing. She just doesn't like to sing solo's though I know she could. It's fun how different our kids are.

1 comment:

NoVA Dad said...

I didn't realize you were up in Annapolis; you're just a hop, skip and jump from me and my clan!

If you want to talk about a game that isn't exciting, to me it's soccer and hockey. You skate or run around for hours, and if you don't score, what have you accomplished? Several hours of running around!

And I agree about how different kids are; my three-year-old and three-month-old are so completely different, and that's what makes it fun. The youngest has adapted to the oldest without any problem, but there's still some question about the whole situation from my oldest's perspective:-)